EU-Africa Relations

The course is a graduate coursefor students of the MA in European Studies (double degree) and it offered in English. It is open to other students at the School of Political Sciences and the Aristotle University. The course provides an in-depth analysis of theevolving relations between the European Union (EU) and Africa. Africa has always played avery important role for Europe and vice versa, the more so during the last centuries. Nowadays, on one hand, Africa is a challenge for the EU and its Member States, due to itsgeographically proximity and its youngest demographic profile worldwide. Europe will continue to face issues like the recent migratoryor Ebola crises that affect its domestic politics. On the other hand, Africa was and remains atraditional land of opportunities for Europe hasbecome the place of a ‘‘new scramble’’provoked by China and other emergingcountries that take advantage of EU fragilities.In addition, Africa is tightly networked with itsdiaspora in Europe, which is a principal sourceof remittances.

In this context, it explores thehistorical, economic, and political relations between Africa and the EU and looks into themain issues of contention and interests between the two continents, in particular trade,development cooperation, security, migrationand democratization, asking whether the EU effectively pursues a forward-looking strategylooking strategy that still reflects the asymmetrical postcolonial relations and favorsthe position of the emerging powers. Thecourse will examine the various dimensions ofthis relationship, both from the EU viewpointand for Africa. It analyses the challenges andopportunities presented by this relationship andexamines the history, drivers, and challenges ofEU-Africa relations, the main policy frameworks, and instruments employed by bothparties, and the impact of these relations on African countries, the EU, and globalgovernance.

The course is scheduled in 13 weeks as follows: 

Week 1: Introduction to EU-Africa relations. Overview of the historical background of the relationship. Key actors and institutions involved. Drivers and motivations of EU engagement in Africa. African perspectives on EU-Africa relations 

Week 2: EU-Africa Policy Frameworks. The Cotonou Agreement and its successor, the Post-Cotonou Agreement. The Joint Africa-EU Strategy and its Action Plan. The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and EU trade policies

Week 3: Economic Relations. Trade relations between Africa and the EU. The EU’s development aid to Africa. The European Development Fund (EDF)

Week 4: Political Relations. The EU’s role in promoting democracy and human rights in Africa.The African Union and its relationship with the EU 

Week 5: Security Relations. The EU’s role in peacekeeping and conflict resolution in Africa. The impact of terrorism and transnational organized crime on Africa-EU relations 

Week 6: Migration. The EU’s migration policies and their impact on Africa. African perspectives on migration. African demographics 

Week 7: The Role of Other Actors in EU-Africa Relations. The role of China, the US, and other global powers in Africa. The African Union (AU) and regional organizations. Civil society and the private sector in EU-Africa relations 

Week 8: Case Studies – the DRC. Analysis of the specific case of the Democratic Republic ofCongo in the EU- Africa relations. Presentations and discussions on current issues regarding DRC

Week 9: Case Studies – the Horn of Africa. Analysis of the specific cases of the Horn of Africa countries in the EU- Africa relations. Presentations and discussions on current issues regarding the Horn of Africa 

Week 10: Case Studies – the Sahel. Analysis of the specific cases of the Sahel countries in the EU- Africa relations. Presentations and discussions on current issues regarding issues in the Sahel region 

Week 11: The climate emergency. The impact of climate change on Africa – desertification and season blurring. The political aspects of climate change in EU-Africa relations 

Week 12: Challenges and Opportunities. Structural challenges to EU-Africa cooperation. The impact of COVID-19 on EU-Africa relations. Opportunities for enhancing EU-Africa cooperation 

Week 13: Conclusion and Final Exam. Summary of key themes and issues covered in the course.

For further information on the course see 

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