Our Objectivies

To increase the interest and enhance knowledge in the field of EU studies, in order to prepare the targeted learners to be future political and economic leaders, as well as opinion leaders and law makers. In particular, the Chair will:

  • Increase cooperation between the academia and the civil society that will enhance the capacities of professors and researchers and address society’s needs. This objective will be achieved by the organization of seminars and events on controversial and crucial topics.
  • Revitalize the values of solidarity, democracy, cultural diversity and the rule of law within the European context and the raising of the interest of the academic society and the public to the challenges of European integration and the role of citizens and stakeholders in the integration mechanism.
  • Facilitate the information flow between different actors, especially between research and the civil society.

To inform the wider public about recent developments in the EU and readdress the benefits of European integration, in the light of a growing reluctance among European citizens towards EU institutions. In this context, the Chair will:

  • Motivate learners for participation in an innovative two-way training and research process with the aim to better comprehend fundamental concepts and dynamics of the European Union, to overcome growing distrust observed in Greek citizens regarding the “European ideal”, to gain professional experience before graduation and to acquire academic capital.
  •  Attract undergraduate and graduate students to think-tanking and debating activities on controversial European issues particularly in light of the growing Euro-skepticism observed in Greece lately.
  •  Develop and improve the teaching methods and procedures of the relevant courses, resulting in a better-quality management of the EU-related education
  •  Improve teaching materials, the acquisition of reference materials, equipment etc. which shall contribute to the increase of the scientific quality of the written papers and the efficiency of the research activity,

To stimulate research, reflection and dialogue in the field of European integration studies. In this respect, the following objectives shall be pursued:

  • Research activities and high-level academic events with the final objective of enabling researchers to join the international academic network.
  • Fostering the participation of young researchers in EU related themes, promoting their academic excellence.
  • Developing communication, interaction and synergies among researchers of European integration, policymakers and opinion leaders.
  • Mentoring the youngest generation of researchers and encouraging their participation in international academic events and study visits to Universities and research institutes in other countries.
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